Wuthering Heights
Mere Christianity
Madame Bovary
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Crime and Punishment
The Forgotten Garden
These Is My Words
The Help
Ella Enchanted
Princess Academy
The Goose Girl
The Kite Runner
The Great Gatsby
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
The Giver
A Wrinkle in Time
Lord of the Flies
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Ender's Game

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


"A blog isn't a monologue." 
Dr. Burton made us say that out loud in class today.

There's something I don't love about that. 
I'm not much of a writer. I began blogging to get myself writing about daily life; I've never been much good at keeping a journal. Up until this point, my blogging has not really been anything for people to read. It's just for me as I try to think things through. Now, it's different. I have a professor and other brilliant students who I sit next to every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday looking at my thoughts. My mind is screaming, "I WANT THIS TO BE A MONOLOGUE! Nobody else has to care." Honestly, this mindset could be rooted in deeper insecurities that may or may not be running through my head: "I'm not going to be able to write about anything in a powerful way, anyway. Even if I come up with ideas, someone else in my class has probably already said it and said it in a more beautiful and moving way."

There's also something I do love about that.
I love the idea that I don't have to be the only one contributing to this blog. Someday I hope to influence someone to do a little bit of their own research on a topic I have written about. I hope to attract other researchers with whom I can share insights and information. There are just a few problems with this. I don't see how I'm going to do that if I'm not the most beautiful writer or if I don't have anything new and exciting to say. Also, I'm sure my fellow classmates are brilliant, but they probably don't have the time to do research on To Kill a Mockingbird while they research their own book. Nyssa Silvester voices my worries and also is showing a way she's reaching out.

So, please, if you have something to say, say it.
And have any of you found a way to connect to others with the same interests?

1 comment:

  1. I can tell you understand the new mindset of interactivity by how you discuss this. There are always jitters in posting something that can be read by others and responded to. I'll be giving you lots of ideas for how to interact with others. For now, you can choose a few of your peers' blogs to comment on from time to time.
